Understanding Depression and ways to beat it

Depression at a glance


As humans, we are all prone to different levels of depressions from time to time. It could be work related, family stress or failure in seeing our own worth. It is quite ordinary to withdraw ourselves into a shell, to not face the judging eyes of society.

An unstable mind usually finds difficulty in accepting the positivity around us, we either underestimate ourselves or sell ourselves short and begin to feel as if everything in life is unfair. Unfortunately, the same is true, the world is mostly unfair, but that is no reason to not pull ourselves up and strive to achieve our goals.

Depression, at its core, manifests itself as a dull and helpless feeling that feeds on your energy. It can make bright days, gray and gloomy. It can make you harbor jealousy for successful people and it can completely shut down your socializing skills.


Creating a neutral space

Before we learn to beat depression, we must first learn to accept it as a part of life, this is an extremely important step due to the fact that it is a mental state and not a medical condition. We should first find solace in the fact that we are not alone, every person in their lifetime has gone through a depressive phase whether they realize it or not.

No matter the professions, even clowns and stand up comedians experience depression. Once this is established, we can now breathe easy knowing that we are extremely normal and that there is room to heal and it is always a good idea to divert your mind from the stressful situation at hand.

Remember : You can’t beat stress by fighting it.

Anger, Anxiety, and Sadness are all by-products of depression, all of which have to be vented out in the most passive ways possible or they can create an ugly situation that might just add to your overall depressive state. In the next piece, we will learn of ways to deal with depression.



           Overcoming Depression

Discharging depression passively is extremely healthy for our overall mental balance. Listed below are some of the ways to creating a positive environment for our mind.


  • Seek Help – It is a good idea to talk about the subject that bothers you with someone  you can trust, whether it is a friend, family member or a professional like a psychiatrist, know that by seeking help you are in the process of removing the burden off of your shoulders and sharing it.


  • Music – This is a personal favorite of mine, it is one of the most effective forms of dealing with stress. Spend some time listening to relaxing music or beats or even audio books. You will find yourself distracted and enter a plane of thought that puts you in a positive frame of mind as compared to plain silence.


  • Pets – Having pets like a dog or cat, is a great way to create companionship and remove traces of solitude. Pets are always energetic and give you a reason for you to spend time with them instead of by yourself. Taking a dog for a walk/run or to a dog show are all great stress busters.


  • Exercise and Diet – An early morning run, a session at your local gym or a class of yoga provide your mind with a healthy discharge of energy, there would be no room for negative thoughts to enter when your body is tired and fit. It also promotes socializing. Keeping yourself fit with a healthy diet will create a positive vibe and will encourage others to compliment you, in turn bringing a smile on your face.


  • Hobbies – Having a hobby is an excellent way to ensure your mind is always creative. Examples of a good hobby would be traveling, blogging, volunteering at social platforms, watching the news and online documentaries, playing board games, bird watching, etc. Keeping yourself busy whether at work or at home ensures your mind doesn’t wander.


  • Learn new skills – Introduce a variety of skills into your life. Be it – programming, dancing, writing, drawing, etc. Not only is this good for your mind but it will also improve your prospective skills while searching for a job and hence improve your career. As the saying goes “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. Have a constant thirst to learn different crafts.



Strive for a blissful living

It is never the end for anyone until they give up and let sorrow drown their lives. Just like various martial arts are practiced for self-defense of the body, methods as listed above that we follow, are self-defense for the mind from attacks of depression.

The worth of life isn’t calculated by the state of mind we are in, it is calculated by the purest form of acts we strive to achieve. So start a life of positivity today and know that if you choose to eliminate depression, it can never cease to exist.

Toughen the mind and the rest will follow.


“Depression is an uninvited guest for the mind, it is up to you to stay and cope with it or call to arms and protect your home”


    Pavan Punja




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